Dransfield & Associates

Retirement Income Planning in Northern & Southern Utah

Make Big Goals, Retire Bigger: From Strategy All the Way to the End Zone

A unique approach to retirement income planning that combines medical precision with financial expertise.

Transforming the Retirement Journey: Your Three-Step Path

What Do You Want in Retirement?

Begin with a personalized assessment of your current income situation and discuss your retirement desires. Whether it’s traveling the world, spending quality time with family, or pursuing hobbies, we’ll paint a clear picture of your desired future.

Tackling the 500-pound Gorilla

Address the “500-pound gorilla” in the room—risk, taxes, inflation, and government regulation—that may stand in the way of reaching your retirement goals. Our unique approach helps to minimize the impact of all four.

Realizing Your Retirement Goals

With obstacles out of the way, we focus on actionable strategies to get you successfully to the retirement endzone. From maximizing Social Security benefits to building tax-free retirement income, we help ensure every play moves you closer to your goals.

Redefining Retirement Planning: Crafting Your Ideal Retirement

Personalized Planning with a Medical Touch

Like a tailored health regimen, your income plan is designed with precision, focusing on your well-being and long-term success. This personalized approach helps ensure your plan is adaptable, resilient, and aligned with your retirement aspirations.

Personalized Protection Against Retirement “Gorillas”

Trent's strategies are not just about growth; they're about protection. From market volatility to tax efficiency and inflation, Trent provides a personalized shield against the uncertainties that can come with retirement, to help you prepare for whatever comes your way.

Shape Your Tomorrow Today

Your retirement is about more than just finances; it's about the legacy you leave and the life you live. Trent helps you plan for a future where your wealth supports your family, your passions, and your values, helping to ensure a lasting impact that goes beyond the numbers.

The Clear Choice for Your Retirement

Trent’s academic and professional credentials, including a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant (LPTA), Registered Financial Consultant® (RFC®), and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE®), reflect his well-rounded expertise in both physical and financial wellness.

Personalized Strategy vs. One-Size-Fits-All Planning

Trent Dransfield

Offers bespoke retirement income strategies tailored to individual life goals, leveraging the unique blend of experience Trent brings. Each strategy is as unique as the individual, incorporating personal aspirations, lifestyle desires, and legacy goals.

Industry Standard

Often relies on generic, formulaic strategy methods that may not account for personal nuances or specific long-term objectives.

Proactive Problem Solving vs. Reactive Adjustments

Trent Dransfield

Proactively addresses potential ‘gorillas’ in retirement income planning, such as risk, taxes, inflation, and government regulation, with strategic foresight and innovation.

Industry Standard

Typically reacts to problems as they arise, potentially leaving clients exposed to unforeseen challenges.

Clarifying Retirement: Answers to Your Pressing Questions

  • Can you help me even if I’m not sure about my retirement income goals?

    Absolutely. Trent believes that retirement income planning starts with understanding. He dedicates time to explore and define what retirement means to each client, leveraging his expertise to illuminate possibilities they might not have considered. Whether you're envisioning a quiet life of leisure or knocking off bucket list items across the world, Trent can help to clarify and achieve your retirement vision.

  • How do you help ensure my retirement income plan remains relevant over time?

    Recognizing that life’s only constant is change, Trent practices ongoing plan assessment and adjustment. Making necessary adjustments in response to life events, market shifts, or changes in financial goals. This dynamic approach helps ensure your retirement income plan remains aligned with your evolving needs and aspirations.

  • What makes Trent Dransfield's approach to retirement income planning unique?

    Trent combines his extensive experience in retirement income planning with insights from his medical background as a physical therapist, offering a uniquely analytical yet personalized approach to retirement income planning. He focuses on understanding each client's individual goals and concerns, addressing the '500lb gorilla' of retirement income planning—risk, taxes, inflation, and government regulation—proactively. This helps to ensure a tailor-made strategy that can meet and even exceed clients' expectations.

5 Essential Strategies to Help Ensure Financial Success in Retirement

5 Essential Strategies to Help Ensure Financial Success in Retirement

Feeling insecure about how you will draw down your assets in retirement and make sure it lasts a lifetime? Download our guide to help understand five of the top ways you can take action to tame your concerns, assess your situation and begin a personalized planning process.

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